Free shipping on orders above ₹499/- across India
Cancellation and Return Policy
Once your order is delivered to you and you accept it as accurate as per your order, there is no exchange or refund possible. If you want to return any product(s) that is damaged or not according to your placed order, then please return that product(s) in its original packaging along with a remark, within 7 days of delivery. In case reverse shipment can’t be arranged by us due to unavailability of our logistics partners, then you may be requested to send such product(s) through available courier services.
All the product(s) to be returned, must be accompanied with a copy of original invoice/receipt, a return/exchange authorization number and in unopened and sealed condition; otherwise the same will not be received back. Please note that we can’t offer exchanges or refunds on any opened or used product(s). To process your return, we may take the time up to 3 weeks. Once your return request is processed, you will be notified.
In case we have delivered you the wrong product(s), then it shall be your responsibility to inform us within 3 business days through an e-mail or call. Make sure that you return the product(s) in its original packaging along with a remark, within 7 days of delivery. Kindly note that the courier expenses shall be borne by us and the replaced product(s) shall be dispatched within 4 to 5 business days.
Changes and cancellation
Any item additions, specification changes or quantity changes made to accepted order(s) will be modified in the order details. All sales are final, provided, however, item cancellations and quantity changes may be carried out before the order(s) is shipped. Kindly note that if our credit department doesn’t approve your credit or if there is any other problem(s) with your selected payment mode, then we may cancel any accepted order before the shipment, without liability.
If you have, by mistake, placed an order for a particular product(s) twice and if you like to have a refund of one transaction, then you have to inform us the same within 2 business days through an e-mail or call. Kindly note that the courier expenses shall be borne by you and a penalty of 3% shall be levied for the same. The paid amount for the same shall be refunded in 7 to 8 days or according to individual bank policies.
Order cancellation
We hold the right to cancel or refuse any your order(s) placed for a product(s) that is listed with an incorrect price for any technical or manual reason. This shall be regardless of whether the order has been confirmed and/or the payment is made. Don’t worry, the entire paid amount shall be refunded and you shall be informed of the same.
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